Assaults and Violent Crimes

Our specialist criminal lawyers are highly experienced in representing clients facing criminal charges for violence and assault.

In Queensland, you have to provide the police with various details, including; your name, date of birth and current address. It may also be required to provide some form of identifying document to prove your details are correct as well as fingerprints.

Beyond providing the above, you have a right to silence. If you are currently facing a charge of assault or violence, contact us immediately. You can feel assured in the knowledge you will receive the best legal advice from our team.

You case explored by our expert legal team

More often than not, the majority of people who are charged with this type of offence can legitimately claim they acted either in self-defence, protecting their property or defending another person. Provocation, similar to self-defence can be available as justification for certain violence related offences. If your matter proceeds to trial, sufficient evidence to support that you acted in self-defence will be required.

For charges involving violence, your liberty can be at stake without proper legal assistance. It can also potentially cost you financially which can put the security of your home and assets on the line. This is also a particular area of criminal law that can become quite complex. Our lawyers can provide the very best advice and assistance for individuals charged with any type of violence related offence.

Have you been charged with a criminal offence?

Fuller and White is one of Brisbane’s most experienced criminal law firms, providing an exceptional level of service. It’s paramount for individuals charged with offences of this nature to seek skilful and just legal representation.

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are different. Therefore, to obtain specific advice specifically for your case, you should call our team right away.