Child Protection Matters

Our legal team at Fuller & White Solicitors are skilled advocates with specific experience in Child Protection matters and associated matters relating to the care and protection of children and young people.

In 2016, the Queensland child protection system underwent a massive legislative restructure in relation to state-wide concerns that the interests of parents and children were not being properly advocated in the court system.  As a result, there are now increased resources invested in the government agencies that seek out these orders.

The Department of Child Safety (DOCS) application process can be daunting.  Our solicitors have significant experience in matters relating to the care and protection of children.  We have acted on behalf of parents, grandparents and also as direct representatives for children.  We listen to our clients and successfully advocate for the reunification of families.

If DOCS have contacted you regarding the care or protection of your children, the future of your family might be at stake.  It is imperative that you obtain legal advice as soon as possible.

Contact us to find out more or to arrange a consultation with an experienced Child Protection lawyer now.